Saturday, August 25, 2007

Building Contractor Gets 15 Years Probation For Leaving Homebuyer, Sub High & Dry

In Colorado, The Greeley Tribune reports:
  • "A former Windsor homebuilder who made Weld County's Most Wanted list in June 2006 was sentenced [August 10] for felony theft. Richard Browning was sentenced to 15 years of supervised probation, 500 hours of useful public service and will have to pay full restitution plus 12 percent interest. His probation will be transferred to California where he lives and is now working."

Reportedly, Browning stole nearly $28,000 from a property owner who hired Browning to build a home, and also accepted $175,000 from Bank of Choice that was to be paid to another contractor, but Browning pocketed the cash instead. For more, see Former Windsor home builder sentenced to 15 years probation in felony theft.

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