Saturday, March 08, 2008

Teens Using Vacant Homes To Host Weekly Beer Bashes, Pot Parties

In Loxahatchee, Florida, WPEC-TV Channel 12 reports on a group of teens going around town scouting out vacant homes to use for hosting weekly keg & pot parties. Reportedly, they circulate flyers weekly announcing the location of the next beer bash, charging entance fees at the front door. The story featured a vacant investment home owned by a local landlord that was in between tenants and listed for rent. The owner suspects that the real estate agent's lockbox placed on the front door drew the teens' attention, resulting in the home being added to their party list. When the cops crashed the party, about 100 teens took off, leaving toilets clogged with marijuana they attemped to flush away, and a general mess throughout the home.

For more (video only), see Teens Trash Vacant Home.

For a similar story of teens in Bakersfield, California using vacant homes to host parties, see Police break up party raging in foreclosed home.

Go here for other posts on vacant homes leaving its mark on neighborhoods. neighborhood destruction from foreclosures I teen parties vacant homes