Thursday, June 12, 2008

Victims Of The Southern California Foreclosure Rescue Land Grant Program Come Forward

In Southern California, reports on the stories of a couple of homeowners who were scammed by a group that was allegedly running a foreclosure rescue, land grant program. Legal action, both criminal and civil, was brought against the alleged members of the group about three weeks ago. A description of the scam:
  • Under the alleged scam, homeowners in foreclosure attended seminars and filled out paperwork to deed over their homes to the defendants' companies -- Federal Land Grant Co., Land Grant Services and KBS Resources. Under the banner of an old land grant program last used during the Mexican-American war, the agents allegedly promised to help homeowners facing foreclosure to keep their homes. The agents said signing the homes over to a government program would shield them from the banks and, in four years, the homeowners could reclaim their homes, according to prosecutors. All the while, they'd be able to stay in the homes.
For the victims' stories, see How Desperate Homeowners Got Caught Up in an Alleged Scam.