Sunday, August 03, 2008

New Yorks State Couple Lose $600K Home Over Unpaid $45K Tax Bill; County Refuses To Accept Late Payment

In Webb, New York, The Utica Observer Dispatch reports:
  • A family in this Adirondack town could be losing its home, business and waterfront camp on Fourth Lake over back taxes, even as the family says it now can make its payments. Total value of the property: $600,000. Herkimer County legislators recently have taken an interest in the case, raising questions about whether helping this one family would amount to favoritism over the dozens of other people each year who are at risk of losing their property over failure to pay taxes. Despite Terry and Deborah Jones’ willingness to pay the tax money, judges have ruled county officials aren’t doing anything wrong by taking the property. The Joneses are appealing the latest ruling.

For more, see Adirondack couple fights to retain its property; Herkimer Co. legislature debates tax approach.