Air Conditioner Snatchers Target Vacant Foreclosed Homes For Quick Payday
- Thieves are causing thousands of dollars in damage to homes in foreclosure for a quick payday. "It's a Valley-wide problem," said Detective Reuben Gonzales with the Avondale Police Department.
- It's the theft of air conditioning units, and the latest incident happened in Avondale. Gonzalez said two units were stolen for scrap metal. "It's maybe $6,000 - $10,000 in damages they may cause in replacement costs for these things for just a few hundred dollars, in some cases less than $100 that they get for them in scrap metal," he said.
- Agents like Bill Winston, who manages the foreclosed home in Avondale. He sees A/C thefts way too often. "I've probably been to at least 50 or 60 homes where this has taken place," said Winston.
For more, see Thieves target A/C units at vacant Valley homes for cash.
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