Sunday, October 10, 2010

Comedy Central's Stewart Chimes In On Mortgage Securitizations, Robo-Signers, Foreclosure Freeze, Illegal Lockouts, Recently-Vetoed Notary Bill & More

The Huffington Post notes:
  • Last [week] on "The Daily Show," Jon Stewart lambasted the big banks for ignoring the fine print that they themselves came up with. "Wait, what? The banks weren't reading the fine print? You're the people who came up with the f**king fine print in the first place!" Stewart said in shock.

  • Stewart pointed out that regular people typically never read fine print, using the length of a standard iTunes contract as an example, but that the banks weren't even reading the "regular print" when they decided to change the locks on homes that were not in foreclosure, which happened in Orange County, FL recently.

For the story, see Stewart Takes On Big Banks For Accidental Foreclosures.

To watch Stewart offer his comic observations on the current mess (salty language has been 'bleeped out'), see Foreclosure Crisis (The banks admit to not reading the fine print on the crappy mortgages the American taxpayers now own) (approx. 7 minutes - courtesy of Comedy Central).