Lender's Assembly Line Approach To Foreclosure Transforms $28K Loss Into $42K Loss, Booting Loan-Mod-Seeking Homeowner Onto Street In The Process
In it, Cox reportedly writes on how second mortgage holder KeyBank refused to restructure the payments on a $28,000 loan for one of his clients, despite the fact that the client was current on the payments on the first mortgage (approximately $50,000) and, instead, coughed up the $50K to buy out the first mortgage, and then foreclosed on the homeowner, spending $4,000 in foreclosure costs in the process.
KeyBank then proceeded to boot Cox's client out of her home, and, with a cold winter approaching, is now stuck with a vacant home now reportedly listed for sale
For the story, see A KeyBank Foreclosure Draws Fire.
(1) If my math is correct, and assuming KeyBank nets at most $40K from the sale of the home listed at $44,900, KeyBank appears to have 'skillfully' transformed a $28,000 loss from a worthless second mortgage that the homeowner was willing to make payments on into a $42,000 loss as a result of its manuever ($50K (1st mtg.) + $4K (f'closure costs) less $40K (est. sale proceeds) equals $14K loss on its sophisticated maneuver. Then add $28K worthless 2nd mortgage to get to $42K).
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