Saturday, May 07, 2011

Indicted Mid-Atlantic Loan Mod Operator Faces F'closure As Ex-Client Enforces $686K Judgment Lien Obtained In Suit Over Failed Mortgage Workout

The Huffington Post reports:
  • Accused mortgage-modification fraudster Howard Shmuckler has lost the website he used to call his accusers “the real scammers.” Even though Shmuckler had been indicted and repeatedly sued for charging homeowners for modifications he never delivered, he maintained his website until a court order went against him earlier this month.
  • Shmuckler charged homeowners thousands of dollars in upfront fees on the promise he would get them mortgage modifications to help them stay out of foreclosure. Yet, hundreds of his clients never received mods, according to the Maryland government and attorneys representing homeowners in Virginia, where the now-defunct Shmuckler Group had been based.


  • Virginia resident Hassina Ansary sued Shmuckler in 2009 for charging her $2,000, but doing nothing while her home slid into foreclosure. A Virginia jury took her side and order Shmuckler to fork over $686,600.


  • In an ironic twist, Shmuckler is now fighting to save his own home: Last summer Ansary filed a civil complaint to force him to sell his Virginia Beach house to pay the judgment she'd been awarded as a victim of his scam.

For more, see Accused Mortgage Scammer Loses His Wacky Website After Court Order.