Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Death Of Sunny Sheu

Truthout recently ran a story on the late Sunny Sheu, the now-deceased Flushing, Queens homeowner who had his home stolen out from under him by reason of a forged power of attorney, and, in the battle to get it back, found himself murdered.

In his battle to get it back, and despite that the fact that the forgers were prosecuted and pled guilty, a bankster that had wrestled the property away through a wrongful foreclosure was never legally required to give it back and, in fact, was the beneficiary of the actions of a Queens County, New York judge who, according to Sheu, had consistently ruled against him and in favor of the bank, to wrongfully ensure that he never recovered his property.

According to the Truthout story, it wasn't until six months after his death that Sheu's house was somehow mysteriously returned to his estate with the mortgage fully paid.

For the story, see The Death of Sunny Sheu.

For the earlier 3-part series of reports on this story from Black Star News, see: