Monday, January 15, 2007

Predatory Mortgage Servicing Destroying The American Dream?

(revised 3-11-07)
Predatory Mortgage Servicing is one type of home equity theft that seems to be flying under the radar. A May, 2005 report titled Private Property Rights Deferred: Has Predatory Mortgage Servicing Destroyed the American Dream has found that mortgage servicing fraud and abuse by unscrupulous mortgage companies and their agents is stripping working families of home equity and, in certain instances, pushing homeowners into foreclosure because of the failure to properly account for monthly mortgage payments in favor of excessive fee income.
To read more on this report, by Rawle Andrews Jr., Esq., and Leroy Jones, Jr., JD of the law firm of Andrews & Bowe, PLLP:

  1. Private Property Rights Deferred: Has Predatory Mortgage Servicing Destroyed the American Dream
  2. The Seven (7) Deadly Signs of Predatory Servicing
  3. Five Stages of Foreclosure Fraud
  4. Stark v. EMC Mortgage (a case that details the egregious conduct committed by one mortgage servicing company against homeowners)
  5. Congrtaualtory Letter from Congressman John Conyers (D-Mi.)

Go here , go here , and go here for posts on questionable mortgage servicing practices. questionable mortgage servicing practices tactics zebra