Sunday, February 11, 2007

One-Time Hero Sentenced In Mortgage Scam

On Wednesday, a Delaware Federal judge sentenced MacDonald P. Taylor to a year and a day in prison for his involvement in a mortgage fraud scam that allowed him and his family to live in several homes rent free for almost three years, according to an article reported on The News Journal's (Wilmington, Delaware) online presence, Mr. MacDonald agreed to plea guilty to five fraud counts (out of a ten count indictment) in lieu of going to trial.

Ten years ago in Philadelphia, Mr. MacDonald played a key role in the apprehension and conviction of a murder suspect who was sought in connection with the murder of a 16 year old Philadelphia police officer's son. This fact, along with medical issues, were cited by the judge in sentencing MacDonald to a term below that called for in Federal sentencing guidelines.

For the whole story, including details of MacDonald's heroics in the Philadelphia incident a decade ago, see

One-time hero to serve year in prison
(Man who helped put killers behind bars sentenced in NCCo homes fraud)

For links to the indictment and plea agreement, see Delaware man sentenced to a year and day in mortgage scheme on the Bankruptcy Fraud Resource Center blog.