Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Delaware Lawmakers To Consider Foreclosure Rescue Legislation

In Delaware, The News Journal reports:
  • "In an effort to curtail scam artists who take advantage of vulnerable homeowners, the Mortgage Rescue Fraud Protection Act was introduced Tuesday in the Delaware Senate. Sponsored by Sen. Robert I. Marshall, D-Wilmington West, the bill aims to make it more difficult for so-called "mortgage consultants" to ensnare homeowners trying to avoid foreclosure."

The legislation, currently referred to as Senate Bill 163 is reportedly based on similar laws in effect in other states. For more, see Senate bill to protect Del. homeowners (With scammers capitalizing on rising foreclosure rate, lawmaker wants to crack down on fraud).

For story update, see Law Regulating Foreclosure Rescue Among Financing-Related Homeowner Protection Bills Signed By Delaware Governor.