Sunday, June 10, 2007

Homeowner Protection Under The Illinois Mechanics Lien Act

For those of you in Illinois, a recent article in The Business Ledger discusses basic ways for homeowners to protect themselves and their homes under the Illinois Mechanics Lien Act from stepping into traps when dealing with general contractors and avoid disastrous consequences when contracting for home repair and home improvement projects. Problems can arise if the contractor doesn't perform the work contracted for; they can also arise when the work is satsifactorily completed, and paid for by the homeowner in full, if the contractor decides to stiff the building material supplier or a subcontractor who worked on the project. (The article also suggests ways for subs to protect themselves against a GC who "forgets", fails, or otherwise decides not to pay the sub). For more, see Mechanics Lien Act Can Trap the Unwary.