Monday, July 30, 2007

Elderly North Dakota Woman Allegedly Ripped Off By Nephew, Home Sale Proceeds Unaccounted For

Reed Lloyd Satrom, 55, faces two felonies and stands accused of swindling his elderly aunt out of thousands of dollars, reports In Forum News. Satrom, in whom his aunt's trust was so strong that she granted him power of attorney three years ago – two years after being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s – allowing him to make her financial and legal decisions. According to the aunt's current legal guardian, when commenting about his inability to document where all of the aunt's assets went, “When you add up all the numbers it approaches half a million dollars. We don’t know where all the money went.” Included in the amounts unaccounted for is $225,000 representing the proceeds of the sale of her farm. For more, see Nephew accused of abuse of trust.

Go here , go here , and go here for other posts on elder financial abuse. yak