Saturday, August 18, 2007

Foreclosure Effect On One Orlando Locale Representative Of Many Across Country

A commentary appearing in the Orlando Sentinel reflects on a situation that exists in neighborhoods throughout the country as a result of the ongoing foreclosure fallout. The column observes:
  • "Gone from our communities are scores of families that overreached pursuing the American dream. Left behind are thousands of homeowners who inherited the nightmare of declining property values and shabby vacant homes that are selling as fast as Slurpees in the Arctic in a market with a 20-month glut of homes. [...] Unfortunately, the collateral damage takes up residence in our cul-de-sacs. Code-enforcement units report spikes in complaints about overgrown yards, pools with foul green water and junky driveways. "You'd be surprised at the number of overgrown lots at [upscale Orlando communities]," says Mike Rhodes, code-enforcement manager for Orlando."
For more, see Homeownership dream lost amid weeds, pool scum.