Tuesday, October 02, 2007

West Virginia Predatory Lending Lawyers "Never Lost a Case"

In Charleston, West Virginia, The Charleston Gazette recently ran a story on the local non-profit law firm Mountain State Justice, who has reportedly represented thousands of West Virginians in predatory lending lawsuits against major financial institutions. An excerpt from the story:
  • Eight years ago, Charleston public interest attorneys Dan Hedges and Bren Pomponio started suing predatory mortgage lenders and brokers. “These companies target elderly and low-income West Virginians and talk them into signing fraudulent mortgage loans they can’t afford,” Hedges said. Their homes are at stake.

  • These are not sophisticated borrowers,” Pomponio said. Most found themselves up against the financial wall because of job loss, old age, medical bills or some other big expense, he said.

  • Their law firm, Mountain State Justice, has filed about 800 cases on behalf of thousands of West Virginians facing foreclosure. Their clients have contended with bogus appraisals, kickbacks to brokers, misrepresentations and outright lies, illegal fees and other fraudulent practices. [...] Hedges and Pomponio take only mortgage cases with clear evidence of fraud. Their success rate? “We’ve never lost a case,” Hedges said. “These cases are that egregious.” He defines success as “getting the loans voided or substantially altered so people can stay in their homes.”

For more, see Recipe for foreclosure: Fraudulent mortgages devastate home-loving West Virginians and fuel national subprime crisis.

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