Sunday, December 09, 2007

Copper Thefts In Vacant / Unoccupied Homes

Recent copper theft stories from vacant or unoccupied homes:

Chicago, Illinois: Copper pipe stolen from home ($2,000 copper theft discovered when home seller was giving the home's new owners a tour of the property),

Syracuse, New York: Police investigate three copper pipe thefts ($1,500 pipe theft from home under construction; similar theft at vacant home; basement break-in, stolen pipe results in damaged furnace),

Woodbury, Connecticut: Copper pipes stolen from Woodbury home (Out of town woman who owns a local home found nasty surprise - someone broke in through basement door and stole her plumbing),

Ross County, Ohio: Police blotter (Vacant home broken into and copper pipe was reported stolen from basement of one home; 75 feet of copper tubing was stolen from another home),

Canton, Ohio: Two arrested in vacant house with copper wire, police say (Canton police arrested two men in a vacant house alongside rolls of copper wire, electrical outlets, a hammer, crow bar and wire cutters. Someone saw men enter vacant home & called cops to report the men were “smashing up the place”),

Antioch, California: Police Log (Man found vacant rental house vandalized, with the compressor and copper lines removed from refrigerator),

Hawkins County, Tennessee: Copper theft victim offers reward (Hawkins County detectives are investigating two copper burglaries. One victim's vacant rental property was robbed of its wiring. In another, daughter of out-of state owner discovers copper theft and associated damage when she stopped by to check on unoccupied home),

Crafton, Pennsylvania: Police blotter (Copper pipe was stolen Nov. 20 from the basement of a vacant home. A basement door was forced open; Police Log: Copper pipe stolen from vacant home - in another incident, both copper pipe and the water meter were stolen from a vacant home on Nov. 28 - the piping is valued at $200),

Dearborn, Michigan: Resident alerts police to suspects in Orchard copper theft (Aware of reports that copper had been stolen from vacant homes in the area, a local resident contacted cops when she saw two men wearing DTE vests and carrying a meter approach an unoccupied home and attempt to enter it. Police responded and apprehended two men while they were in the basement of the home. Officers said the men later admitted to involvement in other copper thefts in the area),

Tuscaloosa, Alabama: Police blotter (Kitchen sink and copper tubing were taken from a vacant house),

Hillsdale, Michigan: Brown Introduces bill aimed at stopping copper theft (Copper thefts widely reported in Hillsdale County. Victims include owners of seasonal and vacant properties; buildings under construction. Thefts have included plumbing materials as well as lines run from propane tanks to structures).

For other stories on stolen copper, see Copper Thefts I and Copper Thefts II. copper metal theft yak