Sunday, February 10, 2008

Dorchester's "Urban Ghost Town" Ground Zero For Boston's Foreclosure Blight

The Boston Globe reports:
  • Shock waves from the mortgage foreclosure crisis rocking the global economy are sending tremors through a depressed section of Dorchester that has been turned into a blighted urban ghost town as a result of foreclosures, shady real estate deals and abandonment. The epicenter is Hendry Street on Meeting House Hill, where a shot at urban renewal in an area historically ravaged by drugs and crime was dashed by a spate of foreclosures that left seven homes boarded up or empty. Those shuttered triple-deckers, including two condemned last year by the city, face the corners of Coleman and Clarkson streets, where six more properties stand boarded up due to abandonment or foreclosure. [...] Overall, 33 percent of the city’s 703 foreclosures hit Dorchester last year. Roxbury has the second-highest concentration with 18 percent of the foreclosures in 2007, city records show.

For more, see Foreclosure ground zero (Dorchester’s Hendry Street center of Hub’s mortgage crisis).