Friday, August 01, 2008

Florida Attorney Pro Bono Foreclosure Defense Group Encounters Potential Legal Roadblock

In Florida, The Associated Press reports:
  • If you need help strengthening your home against hurricanes or other disasters, just call FLASH. If you're a Florida homeowner and need free legal aid to avoid foreclosure, you can call another FLASH. The first FLASH - the Federal Alliance for Safe Homes - on Thursday demanded that the second FLASH - Florida Attorneys Saving Homes - stop using its acronym. Both are nonprofits based in Tallahassee.

  • The attorneys group is checking with lawyers who have trade mark expertise before responding, said Kent Spuhler, executive director of Florida Legal Services. The safe homes FLASH says it's been getting calls about legal help since the attorneys' FLASH was featured Wednesday on CNN's Larry King Live.

Source: Legal, home safety groups clash over FLASH.