Saturday, September 13, 2008

Add Abandoned Arizona Tortoises To List Of Four-Legged Foreclosure Victims

In Phoenix, Arizona, KNXV-TV Channel 15 reports:
  • Pet tortoises are now the latest victim of the Valley's foreclosure crisis. Officials at the Herpetological Society in Phoenix said they've taken in 25 tortoises just in the past two weeks -- a number they normally see in six months. "We're finding them abandoned, dumped or brought to us," said Daniel Marchand who serves as curator. "Or they call and say they're going to lose their house at the end of the month and have to get rid of their tortoise." Marchand said 80 percent to 90 percent of the tortoises his sanctuary receives are there because of home foreclosures. [...] The Phoenix Herpetological Society finds homes for tortoises it takes in, reminding people not to release a tortoise since it can't fend for itself.

Source: Abandoned Valley tortoises are latest foreclosure victims.

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