Monday, December 15, 2008

Central Florida Non-Profit Loan Modification Organization Leaves Legal Aid Attorney Concerned

In Daytona Beach, Florida, the Daytona Beach News Journal ran a story on the Helping Hands Foundation, reportedly a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization with the mission of doing loan modifications for homeowners facing foreclosure.
  • Foundation directors George and Daisy Raisler(1) gave a free foreclosure prevention/education public workshop this week in Daytona Beach with 20 attendees. They spoke of being able to form a team of experts to review "intake" packages and pick ones that may be successful in getting mortgages modified. They charged $200 for the packages and ask for a donation equal to one month's salary to try to negotiate loan modifications. [...] Anita Lapidus, an attorney with Community Legal Services of Mid Florida, sat through the 90-minute presentation and left concerned.

For more, see Mortgage fraud up as homeowners seek help.

(1) According to the story:

  • Court records show Czech-born George Raisler, 41, pleaded guilty in 1996 in South Florida to conspiracy to commit mail fraud and income-tax fraud. He was ordered to pay partial restitution of $45,000 to insurance companies and served five years of supervised probation. That was extended a year after he violated the terms. He also voluntarily filed for bankruptcy in 1997, was ordered to pay $395 after losing a civil complaint in 1996 and in 2000, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement arrested him for grand larceny, trespassing and fraud. He was acquitted, according to court records. Raisler did not respond to telephone calls Friday, asking about his past.