Friday, December 26, 2008

More On The Yanking Of The Presidential Pardon Of HUD Housing Scammer

The New York Daily News reports:
  • President Bush turned Brooklyn's Isaac Toussie into a poster boy for outrageous presidential pardons, granting, then rescinding, the order in 24 hours.

  • The mystery is how the administration ignored Toussie and his father's background - a tale of payoff and corruption allegations spanning more than 45 years - in pardoning the son for a massive housing scam.

  • White House officials did an about-face after they learned - by reading it in the Daily News - the father of scamster Isaac Toussie donated $28,500 to the Republican National Committee.

For more, see Toussies' trail a doozie: Bush missed half-century of corruption, scam claims against father and son.

See also, New York Daily News: Dream homes of Toussie victims were nothing but nightmares.

Go here for earlier posts on HUD housing scammer.