Friday, February 20, 2009

"Rubber Stamp" Method vs. Mandatory Mediation: CBS News Goes Into The Courtroom For A Look At Foreclosure Adjudication

The CBS Evening News has a story on its website contrasting the approaches being taken in adjudicating foreclosures in two different courtrooms:

For the CBS Evening News' story, see Glut Of Foreclosures Clogs Courts (CBS Evening News: A Look At "Fast-Court" In Florida And An Innovative Program In Philly For Those Facing Losing Their Homes).

For the CBS' Evening News video on the "Rocket Docket" foreclosure proceedings in Fort Myers, Florida (1:40), see Pay Up Or Move Out.


Editor's Note: CBS News could have spiced up their story a little had they included something on the courtrooms of:

  • Miami, Florida Judge David C. Miller, who, in a recent denial of a foreclosing lender's motion to proceed with foreclosure because it hadn't complied with a pro se homeowner's document request, reportedly punctuated his decision by tearing the lender's motion in half and throwing it over his shoulder in open court (see The home you save could be your own (In foreclosure crisis, more Americans representing themselves in court)). ThetaMissingDocsMtg