Thursday, March 05, 2009

Ohio AG: Watch Out For Phony "Stimulus Vouchers" - Solicitations Containing The Words "Federal" & "Tax Benefits" - Foreclosure Rescue Scams

From the Ohio Attorney General's Office:
  • [I]n 2008, the Ohio Attorney General’s office received more than 25,000 consumer complaints. [...] Many of the complaints filed involve old predatory practices tailored to current issues, catching Ohioans off-guard. The AG’s Office has seen a recent trend in federal stimulus package scams with companies purporting to send “stimulus vouchers” and use words such as “federal” or “tax benefits” to mislead consumers into believing that they are associated with the government. Another hot topic for scam artists is foreclosure rescue packages.

For the Ohio AG press release, see Consumer Scams Rise as Economic Conditions Decline (Cordray, State, Local Agencies Kick Off National Consumer Protection Week).