Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thieves Used Forged Signatures & Documents, Fraudulent Notarizations To Steal Two Tennessee Homes, Says Victimized Memphis Man

In Memphis, Tennessee, WREG-TV Channel 3 reports:
  • It's not a burglary or a home invasion, but thieves across the Mid-South are on a mission to steal your greatest possession. They're looking for more than what's in your house -- they want the home itself. "I called 911, my son called 911. And we told the police officers, someone had broke into my house," Abdul Zarif said.But someone didn't just break into Abdul Zarif's North Memphis home, they stole it.

  • Zarif says forged signatures and fraudulent documents cost him a second home, this time in Haywood County. Zarif blames two men -- Willie Lynch, the man who claims to own the house, and Talut El-Amin, the Notary Public who made it possible. When we first caught up with Lynch, he didn't have much to say. "I got deeds on it, I bought the house. That's all I'm gonna tell yall!" Lynch said. Talut El-Amin talked to us on the phone. He said he notarized the deeds for Abdul Zarif, but refused to talk to us on camera.


  • The process of stealing a home is so simple, it just takes a few steps. All a thief needs is a blank deed, a forged signature, and a notary stamp. Once it's filed, the house is considered "sold". But new legislation, introduced after the WREG News Channel 3 Investigators exposed the problem, is designed to stop it. [...] As Zarif waits for help from Nashville, he's heading to court to fight for his homes. It's taken five months of trying to prove ownership of the property in Haywood County, but finally a judge agreed that Zarif is the true owner.

For more, see NC3 Investigates: House Stealing Scheme (New legislation could cut down on the problem, by raising penalties and jail time).

Go here, Go here, Go here, Go here, Go here, Go here, and Go here for other posts related to deed or refinancing scams by forgery, swindle, power of attorney abuse, etc.

(1) Reportedly, the house stealing bill is gaining support in Nashville will soon face a judiciary committee vote. You can keep tabs on the bill's progress by clicking here: DeedZetaTheft