Monday, July 06, 2009

Lawyers Bellyaching Over Exclusion From Fannie, Freddie "Assembly Line Foreclosure Attorney List"

The Connecticut Law Tribune reports:
  • To most Connecticut foreclosure attorneys, it's known as "the list." Inclusion is supposed to guarantee not only prestige in the legal community but, more importantly, a massive flow of foreclosure cases at a time when there's money to be made in volume work.

  • So what's the big deal?

For more, see Elite Lists for Foreclosure Work Under Scrutiny (Firms frustrated over difficulty in qualifying for work on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac foreclosures; Connecticut attorney general is investigating).

For more on the Connecticut attorney general inquiry on how Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and mortgage-processing services company Lender Processing Services Inc. select law firms for foreclosure services, see: