Wednesday, July 08, 2009

New State Law Allows Minnesota Homeowners In Foreclosure To Pay Off Back Payments Over Five Month Period In Exchange For Reduced Redemption Period

In St. Paul, Minnesota, Minnesota Public Radio reports:
  • Struggling homeowners now have another chance to save their homes from foreclosure. A new Minnesota law makes it possible to delay the sheriff's sale - giving people behind on their mortgage payments more time to pay back what they owe. Until now, homeowners in foreclosure had one option - pay off the entire mortgage within six months or say goodbye.

  • The new law gives homeowners another one: to postpone the sheriff's sale by five months. The new law says homeowners who pay back what they owe during the five months can reinstate their mortgage and cancel a sheriff's sale. [...] There is one tradeoff for delaying the sale: people who don't catch up in time get just five weeks [reduced from six months] at the end of the process to redeem their house.

For the story, see New law gives homeowners more time to escape foreclosure.