Saturday, December 12, 2009

Wells Fargo To Ante Up $25K To Help Fund Care For Animals In Recently Foreclosed Farm

In Glocester, Rhode Island, The Providence Journal reports:
  • A fund to support the animals left uncared for after Bonniedale Farm was foreclosed upon will receive a donation of $25,000 from Wells Fargo Bank. [...] An agreement hammered out in Superior Court Thursday morning gave the Rhode Island Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals the authority to care for and take control of the animals left after the former owner, Daniel J. MacKenzie, was evicted from the farm on Monday. He filed a lawsuit on Tuesday to get a restraining order that would force American Home Mortgage Services, the company that foreclosed upon his home, to provide food and water for the 136 animals left on the farm, a number that later dwindled to 55. Students from the University of Rhode Island's veterinary care program stepped up to care for the animals while the matter went to court.

For more, see: Wells Fargo to donate $25,000 to Bonniedale Farm fund.

See also, Agreement allows RISPCA to rescue ‘foreclosed’ animals in Glocester:

  • MacKenzie Thursday turned over to his attorney, Guy Settipane, a check for $42,600 in donations that MacKenzie collected to be forwarded to the RISPCA. The Bonniedale Farm Fund at the society will accept donations from anyone wanting to help care for the rescued animals. Any donations should be made directly to the RISPCA and designated for that fund.