Saturday, August 14, 2010

Tenant Hit w/ Civil "Pigeon-Feeding" Charges; Faces The Boot Over Health, Safety Issues; Bread-Supplying Bakeries Eyed As "Unindicted Co-Conspirators"

In Coney Island, Brooklyn, the New York Post reports:
  • Coney Island is a continent away from Alcatraz, but the spirit of the "Birdman" lives on in a neighborhood woman who loves and feeds pigeons -- and it might cost her her home. Sabina Mickiewicz's landlords have taken the disabled woman to Housing Court and are trying to evict her for creating "a health and safety issue" in her apartment complex, according to legal papers.

  • And it doesn't stop at birds. The landlord, Bay Park Two Co., claims she "has been observed" feeding opossums, squirrels and cats. Now Mickiewicz, 59, who says she has an inoperable brain tumor, has hired a lawyer to fight the avian eviction.

  • Mickiewicz, who grew up behind the Iron Curtain, has established relationships with several of Brooklyn's large Italian and Russian factory bakeries, which give her about 20 loaves of unsold bread a day.

Source: Pigeon lover may lose nest.