Saturday, September 18, 2010

Bill To Protect Innocent Tenants' Credit History In Evictions Resulting From Landlords' Foreclosure Needs Schwarzenegger Sign-Off

In San Francisco, California, Beyond Chron reports:
  • Tenants evicted through no fault of their own frequently have their credit history damaged for years. In California, where hundreds of thousands of tenants are being evicted by banks because their landlords went into foreclosure, these credit impacts are particularly harsh. Fortunately, a bill by state senator Ellen Corbett (D – San Leandro) would limit this collateral damage to innocent renters.


  • Tenants Together has set up an online petition to urge Governor Schwarzenegger to sign SB 1149. Please sign the petition today. Tenants should not be blacklisted because of evictions arising from their landlords' failure to pay the mortgage.

For more, see Legislature Passes Bill to Protect Innocent Tenants From Having their Credit Ruined by Banks (Will Governor Sign or Veto?).