Saturday, December 04, 2010

Troubles Faced By Unraveling S. Florida Foreclosure Mill A Blessing For 100s Of Homeowners As Some Cases Involving Law Firm Put On Indefinite Hold

In Central Florida, the St. Petersburg Times reports:
  • Hundreds of mortgage mediation cases in the Tampa Bay area and other parts of Florida have been put on indefinite hold because of growing problems at a law firm that once represented many of the nation's biggest banks.

  • Beset by allegations of sloppy and fraudulent documentation, the David J. Stern Law Firm has lost some of its lender clients and must withdraw from their foreclosure cases. Until the banks hire new lawyers, efforts to mediate agreements with homeowners in those cases cannot continue.

  • The delay is a mixed blessing for the homeowners. They will be able to stay in their houses longer, though likely at the cost of mounting interest and late fees. But the need to withdraw from so many cases marks another chapter in the stunning decline of the Stern firm, which once handled a fifth of all Florida foreclosures and made its founder a multimilllionaire.

For more, see Mortgage mediation cases on hold as fraud allegations unravel David J. Stern Law Firm.