Saturday, August 06, 2016

Attorney Under Bar Probe For Allegedly Bilking Money From Veterans While Acting As Their Financial Guardian Consents To Having His Law License Yanked

In Memphis, Tennessee, the Memphis Flyer reports:
  • A Memphis attorney under investigation by the Veteran's Adminstration (VA) for mishandling veterans' finances has been disbarred, though the record of the event has been sealed.

    Keith Lamonte Hobbs was the financial guardian to several veterans in the area. He came under investigation by the VA for allegedly bilking money from those veterans.

    The Tennessee Supreme Court's Office of Professional Responsibility suspended Hobbs' license in February. The office announced Friday [July 22] it had disbarred Dobbs on Thursday. Hobbs must pay the board's costs, expenses, and court costs for his hearing within 90 days.

    "Mr. Dobbs consented to disbarment because he could not successfully defend himself on charges made against him with the Board of Professional Responsibility alleging that he violated Tennessee Rules of Professional Conduct," reads a statement from the Supreme Court's board.

    However, a court rule "requires that Mr. Dobbs' consent to disbarment be maintained under seal."